'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Things have been quiet around here

since our visitors left, and not much has been happening on the creative front. I have had a series of insomniac nights which left me with little energy for making design decisions. So I did something I have been thinking about for a while - I made this. Mostly out of the scrap bag so the biggest decision was which scraps to use - I was surprised, given that I like purple and don't like pink, that I had few scraps of the former and masses of the latter.

So when I turned my attention to the British Quilt List 2009 challenge, I decided to challenge myself by using some of that pink. [The design was pre-set so no decisions there, only about colour.] I also experimented with the programmable stitches on my machine for the quilting.

As usual I went through a phase of hating it and thinking 'What on earth am I doing this for?' - but now it's finished I don't think it's that bad. I still don't see myself using pink much in the future, though - especially now we've all decided that Babybel looks best in strong bright colours like red and bright turquoise ...

Inspired by this interesting blog from a very inspirational lady, I have decided to try to post a daily photo [with no great confidence that I'll manage it]. I certainly won't be able to add the discussion of design ideas that Dunnewold does, I'm afraid.
So, plucked from Picasa, is this picture of the fruit bowl before Babybel got at it. I like circles and I love the bowl, which was given to Wensleydale to mark his retirement as chair of governors. It is turned sycamore, made by a former colleague, and surprisingly light given that it is big enough for a baby to sit in... I also like the colours of the fruit against the gold of the bowl - interesting colours to experiment with.


Kitty said...

I like your quilt it reminds me of the piece with all the different torn envelopes you did. Sorry to hear you have been having problems with insomnia, but the resulting book is lovely.

Cynthia Pittmann said...

Cute cute cute little girl! Just came over to check out your work, love the color.