This came about because the pebble extract I traced reminded me of my recent BQL challenge quilt - so I wanted to try the design out in layered applique - or, at this stage, in layers of paper. I just chose the wrong colour supplement page to cut the paper out of ...

This is the negative scan which is much better, and reminds me of Mackintosh roses. If I were to turn this into an embroidery, I would want to keep the ethereal feeling - perhaps reverse applique using sheers?
I find it interesting that when I look at the image the other way up, that little piece sticking out at the right looks totally wrong - but this way up it works as a little leaf.
I have been re-reading Dunnewold, Benn and Morgan's 'Finding Your Own Visual Language' [strongly recommended for struggling designers] and they recommend turning a dubious piece round before you decide it really is a failure. Worked for me!
I needed elastic because I have been doing something I haven't done for ages - dress making. Not for me of course ...
Hopefully I will have something to show you tomorrow!
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