Since I got home I have pottered about to very little effect. I think this is because we are going out again this evening, which we don't often do, and it's an odd time [6.45 - 8.30] and a bit open ended and generally unsettling to the ancient who are set in their ways.
Tell you all about it tomorrow.
One thing I have started is an analysis of what I like in art, prompted by this on Elizabeth Barton's blog, - all part of my attempt to develop some pretence to be an artist rather than an artisan - not that I have anything against artisans, I think craft skills in general are criminally undervalued in the UK. Perhaps I'd just like to be a better artisan - but I would like to develop a consistent style and approach to my work instead of drifting from one thing to another depending on what I've just read.
So I have been looking at some postcards I've collected at various exhibition and written down what I like about them. No real insights yet, but I shall collect a few more - and then move onto my own work as Barton recommends. I think that will be harder to analyse.
Here is today's orange image - a quick snap one evening from a moving car and then the help of the Hockneyizer.

1 comment:
thanks celia - i just had a play with that gizmo and got a much more distinguished photo. see my flickr account
btw i haven't forgotten our ephemera exchange i've just been really slack and getting to the post office. i will do so this week
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