'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Thursday 12 March 2009

Just a quicky

as a small tornado, together with her mum, dad and dog are due to visit us today and we have to 'be prepared'. And before that [now my secret has been revealed!] I have to make a birthday cake.

I started by making a little book using this site which allows you to customise a little 8 page book. I wrote one for Babybel in about 5 minutes - though finding suitable photos and sticking them took a lot longer. [There may be a way to upload photos direct - if so I couldn't find it.]

I made my book in card so it is a little more robust but it will be easy to make another one when she eats it ... No photo, I'm afraid, as it has her real name on it.

I found the site via Liisa'a excellent blog. Liisa is making a book a day this year and so far is up to number 70. Great fun - and lots of good ideas for book makers. [I am always amused when I describe myself as a book maker because it has another meaning in the UK - and perhaps elsewhere, I don't know. As does 'sewer' which depends on how you pronounce it ...]

But I digress. Another great blog I have just discovered is Carolyn Saxby's. She is showing examples of her embroidery experiments - and has so many brilliant ideas, you will find lots to inspire you.

One of her source images is Kandinsky's 'Squares with Concentric Circles' which I used for one of my C&G pieces - but she has taken the idea so much further. Who would have thought of crochet circles?

That inspired me to choose this for today's' red image. This is lots of photos of circular objects, collaged and manipulated on the computer. It wasn't consciously inspired by the Kandinsky painting - but who knows how my subconscious was working? Certainly not me ...

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