'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Saturday 1 August 2009

They say bad things happen in threes …

  1. my problem with Outlook and/or Google
  2. the non-delivery of our gate – and now
  3. the gas boiler seems to have broken down

So no hot water and no heat. Of course in a normal August you wouldn’t need heat – but so far August has been cold and wet.

Much like July.

Thank goodness we’ve got a gas fire. And Wensleydale has just phoned British Gas – who assure us they will come tomorrow! [Hope they are more reliable than the gate people …]

However [although I may be tempting fate] the sewing machine is still working – IMG_7839so this - which you last saw at the beginning of May – now looks like this.

Only 3 months to make a cushion cover. Except I decided to cover a spare pillow with it, given the shape of the embroidery.




And now for something completely different.

I’ve shown you this bit of fence before.  I liked it so much I played around with it in Picnik. So for the daily photo, for a while, I thought I’d show you what I've done with it.





Starting with this one. I used the ‘Posterize’ filter in ‘Effects’ under the ‘Create’ button.






It is the version I used to design the stitching in this. Unfortunately it  has made no further progress since yesterday.



Just realised that the OU is 40 years old. I started studying with them two years after they started. Makes me feel very old…

1 comment:

Chrissie said...

Hope your probs with Google, gate and gas are soon resolved. And I love your pillow!