'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Sunday 9 August 2009

What can you do …


with a plastic bottle with the base cut off, a piece of towelling, an elastic band and some washing up liquid?







Answer. Blow bubbles. 

Sorry there are no action shots but it proved impossible to blow and photograph at the same time.


I found this on a blog but neglected to make a note of whose – so apologies if it was yours, for not crediting you. I have Googled and it is all over the web – just not the one I found before. IMG_7920

For any other grannies who may be reading this [you know who you are!] – you cut the base off a water bottle, fasten a piece of towelling over the end with an elastic band, dampen the towelling [I stuck it under the tap], dribble a little bit of washing up liquid on the towelling – and blow down the neck of the bottle.

It may work with other fabrics – J-cloths for example – but the example used towelling, so I did too. A rare example of following instructions.

Looks a bit rude. doesn’t it? But it is simple and it works – so as Babybel the bubble queen is visiting us next weekend, I think we may be blowing some bubbles.

AlthoughIMG_7019i-4 I said yesterday that we had said goodbye to son of plank, I still have some planks to show you. This is the ‘Ripple’ filter in Picnik – one of my favourites, because the results have so many possibilities for stitch. For example, patchwork, if you could get or dye the right sort of fabrics, or canvas work, or FME on water soluble fabric, or free embroidery.

This image makes me think of the illustrations of Arthur Rackham – I think it’s the colour and the Art Nouveau-ish lines.  And Googling Rackham led to a very enjoyable time looking at lots of examples of his lovely work.

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