'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Thursday 31 December 2009

A Happy New Year to you all!

It doesn’t seem long since we were awaiting the beginning of 2000 – and now it’s nearly 2010. Where did those 10 years go? Of course when I think about it a lot has happened – two marriages, one granddaughter, four years of  C&G, one granddaughter, nearly 4 years of retirement, one granddaughter, a term of another degree, one granddaughter. [Got to get your priorities right.]

Unfortunately my priorities today, after going up to the shop for emergency supplies of Lemsip and Kleenex, have been drifting about the house complaining about how ill I feel. And sneezing. So not much has been achieved. Wensleydale has done some wonderful cooking for tonight [venison bourguignon] but I don’t think I will be able to do it justice.

But, let’s look on the bright side.  It isn’t raining. Yet.

After a little research [interesting to read my posts of a year ago] I know that I started posting  a daily photo on Jan 7th, 2009, so I   need a few more to complete the year – and possibly some more to compensate for the gaps. So, at the risk of boring you still further with images of trees, I will probably go on to the end of the C&G  sketchbook.


There are trees in this one – but they got a bit fragmented and interwoven.

Thanks to Carole and JP for their kind comments on yesterday’s post. Mmm – dare I tell JP that I did Creative Sketchbooks and hardly drew anything?  However a lot of the techniques I learned on it appeared in the C&G sketchbook – like cutting holes in your pages …

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