'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Tuesday 29 December 2009

Not much to show you today …

apart from this.  Can you tell what it is yet?


The jar-opener shape from the collage reminds me of several fruit and vegetables  – like artichokes, or pomegranates, or persimmons.

Unfortunately, we are temporarily out of artichokes, pomegranates and persimmons at Cheese Acres.

So I drew an onion. Top-2.BMP

I’ve worked out that photos of my drawings don’t work on the net, but scans do – which gave me the opportunity to play around with the scan.


Like this.




And this. 







I want to try printing with a cut up onion – but as we don’t have many onions either, it will have to wait until we’ve been to Sainsbury’s – or until I can persuade Wensleydale that a bit of printing ink will add extra flavour to his curry …


From onions to yet more trees. Torn paper on the left, tree-like watercolour paint marks covered with baking parchment and left to dry on the right.

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