'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Tuesday 19 May 2009


Somehow, I seem to have lost all the jpeg files on my D drive. Not any other sort of files. Not from any other drive. Just the jpegs on D.

Guess where I keep my photos?

Guess who hadn’t backed them up?

Cheese Major is going to try to retrieve them with a bit of industrial strength software – so keep your fingers crossed.

This has discombobulated me so nothing creative has been happening – I’m just not in the mood. The only ones I really care about are those of BaIMG_6543bybel, but those are very special.

My C&G photos have gone as well but I have retaken some of the appliqué samples, so here are two to make up for not posting one yesterday.

This is fake chenille, which isn’t one of my favourite techniques, but  made with sheers it is rather fun. Stretching the concept of appliqué a bit, perhaps, but it was the tutor’s idea.


This is  raw edge appliqué on a background of snippets of fabric sprinkled on hand-dye, covered with a sheer, free motion embroidered, and zapped. The design is inspired by Dilys Fronks, but lacks her skill … Looks like Mr Klimt may have been in my mind as well.


Jackie said...

I like your klimt ish piece. Hope you get the pics back.

Helen said...

yikes! that's an awful loss. one of the things to check is that you haven't just lost the software to view them with... happened to a friend of mine when a child deleted a program that uninstalled the jpg viewer.
I really hope you get them back.

Karen Eade said...

OMG. Probably the photos are just "hidden" - not lost. They MUST be on the hard drive somewhere. If the worst comes to the worst make a big list of all the people you sent pix of Babybel to - I bet you sent loads - and e-mail them all and ask them to send them back!!