'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Sunday 17 May 2009

Well – at least I’ve finished something

I think.IMG_6526

This – which came out of playing with pebbles at the start of the year…






IMG_6534 and this. Thanks to Chrissie for her kind comments on this piece – I like it too. Especially as no design work went into it at all, just a series of ‘What if’s’.

There may be a message for me there.

It is very difficult to get it to hang straight given that it has  built-in plumb lines. Or perhaps because it has built-in plumb lines, so it is more obvious when it isn’t straight. Wensleydale says the plumb lines remind him of Trade Union banners. Union of Bodge It Yourself Embroiderers, perhaps.

The waddingless quilt is languishing by the machine waiting for me to unpick bits of it tomorrow. I have already unpicked some and it is not easy. Nor is it going to lie flat – sewing concentric circles had a predictable result. I backed it with soluble stabiliser but I think it would have been better with soluble paper – or even tear away stabiliser - except that I have ambitions to make it reversible.

The result of all this lack of inspiration is that, unusually, I have no hand embroidery to do while listening to the TV. Maybe time for some non-computer knitting. IMG_6372

Today's daily C&G photo is reverse appliqué with sheers – like  the waddingless quilt, but flat.

This was done in a bit of a hurry after some goalpost moving by the tutor, so not one of my more inspired pieces.

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