'If you make happiness your goal, then you're not going to get to it… The goal should be an interesting life."

Dorothy Rowe

Monday 25 May 2009

We’ve been up to London [again] …

but I don’t think Her Maj was at home.

We went because Mr and Mrs Cheese Minor were running this in aid of these.

We were on Babybel duty. Getting to St James ParIMG_6603k in time for the start meant getting up at silly o’clock, but it was worth it, although we are now as tired as if we’d done the run.

First we saw mum and dad off on the run.





Then we fed some ducks - and followed by having biscuits and a drink and doing some drawing – our new favourite thing.





Then it was time to try to find mum and dad in the ‘Meet and Greet’ area.IMG_6613

One of the advantages of running in aid of guide dogs is that you are meeted and greeted by some very friendly dogs – providing great photo opportunities. 



Then we went and had lunch – although some of us were more  interested in drawing than eating.

Gran had bought  some Early Learning crayons but coloured pencils were much preferred – although the crayons were fun to bang together.

And after all that we came home.



Today’s photo is the last appliqué sample, inspired by an article about Lucky Shie in ‘Quilting Arts’. Hand dye and hand stitch, inspired by the Swiss cheese plant in our conservatory.

Not sure what you’ll get tomorrow!

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